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30/12/2022, 09:59:27 Noise pollution from illegal workshop in Gg Damai East of Jl Tukad Balian

Bapak, Ibu, This is a follow up to my complaint uploaded on on 8-Nov-2022. With title: Complaint: Noise pollution from illegal workshop in Gg Damai East of Jl Tukad Balian Thank you! 1. Regarding the noise from workshop I reported 8-Nov-2022: This problem is still there: Very noisy motor knalpot brong every day from early morning coming out from workshop and that accelerating on Jl Tukad Balian. See attached video evidence taken today and also photo below. 2. In addition many motorbikes driving along Jl Tukad Balian particularly in the evenings/night: Very noisy. Clearly criminal offence. This is not supposed to be "normal": So this must be taken seriously stopped. The problem is not only the noise but also the terrible pollution from knalpot brong (free exhaust) and the speeding! The Indonesian law is very clear: Motor with knalpot brong is a criminal offence against Indonesian law that can be punished with 1 month jail or maximum Rp 250k fine. Ref Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan (UU LLAJ) Pasal 285. I can not understand why no action is taken against people that clearly is doing criminal offences many times a day?? Thanks and Regards 2022-12-29 13:00 Motor knalpot brong from workshop behind Bakso Cak Ali, Jl. Tukad Balian, Sidakarya

Informasi Pendukung:

Instansi Tujuan : Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Denpasar
Platform : Email
Kategori : Keluhan
Jenis Pengaduan : Lingkungan - Polusi
Pelapor : Per Ivar Lokstad
Dibaca Sebanyak : 200
Informasi Tambahan :

Tindak Lanjut Pengaduan

Kasat Pol PP - Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Denpasar 02-01-2023 09:25:01
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TL Awal (Respon Awal)

sedang di proses


zeneight 11-01-2023 12:14:06
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Is this have been taken care of? Cause im also dont like those people with brong knalpot